
Saturday, March 29, 2014

Thinking and Feeling

Thinking and Feeling refer to how people make decisions. Thinking people are objective and make decisions based on facts. They are ruled by their head instead of their heart. Thinking people judge situations and others based on logic. Whereas Feeling people are subjective and make decisions based on principles and values. They are ruled by their heart instead of their head. Feeling people judge situations and others based on feelings and extenuating circumstances. 

From the definitions above I believe thinking and feeling should go together. You can’t really chose one and leave the other out since they come as one package. For instance, if there were a world war three and you were drafted into military service and deployed to the front line where killing is just another part of life for soldiers, it’s either kill or be killed. When you do this on a daily basis it becomes natural and you don’t even think twice and blink when you carry out the killing. But one day you were ordered to take two young kids to the edge of a forest and ordered to execute them with single shots to the back of their head.
If you just relied on your thinking you would probably just kill them in a heartbeat and mercilessly. You would just think that you had to do the killing of the two young kids for your country’s better achievement in the war so you only thought of them as collateral damage because after all in wars like yours, man’s got to do what he got to do. But if you felt in your heart that by killing kids would be atrocious and the voices inside your heart told you to ignore the order and just let them go it means you not only used the thinking but also the feeling because after all nobody else was around except you and the two young kids. If you let them go nobody would ever find out. You could just fire two shots in the air so the one who gave you the killing order would know by the gun shots that you have obediently followed their order. It would just be a win-win situation where the kids might live another day and you didn’t have to carry the gruesome memory of ever killing kids with your hands.
Based on the example I mentioned earlier I strongly believe that thinking and feeling should go hand in hand and if you don’t want to end up doing things which you'll regret later in life you should consult both thinking and feeling before making any firm decisions.


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