
Monday, March 31, 2014

6 Alasan Belajar Bahasa Spanyol

"Si hablas a un hombre en un idioma que entiende, va a su mente. Si le hablas en su idioma, va a su corazón"
- Nelson Mandela
"If you talk to a man in a language he understand, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart"

Saya telah mempelajari bahasa Spanyol hampir selama 3 atau 4 bulan dan sejauh ini saya sudah memasuki level A2 yaitu level dimana saya dapat berkomunikasi tentang kehidupan sehari-hari dan juga dapat membaca koran dalam bahasa spanyol dengan pemahaman 40 hingga 60 % yg menurut saya pencapaian yg cukup luar biasa.
Selama proses belajar banyak orang yg bertanya mengapa saya tidak belajar bahasa Jerman saja, mengapa mesti Spanyol?

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Tentara Jepang yg Hidup 29 Tahun di Pedalaman Hutan Filipina

Tadi saya baru saja membaca article menarik di "Today I Found out" yg mengisahkan kisah seorang tentara jepang yg hidup di pedalaman hutan Filipina tak sadar bahwa perang telah lama usai. Di bawah ini kisah selengkapnya (Text telah saya terjemahkan Ke indoneia)
Hiroo Onoda adalah warga Negara jepang yg dulunya bekerja di sebuah perusahaan perdagangan Cina. Saat ia berumur 20 tahun, ia terkena wajib militer dan kemudian di latih sebagai pengumpul intel dan prajurit perang gerilya kerajaan Jepang. Pada tanggal 26 desember 1944 ia  dan beberapa prajurit lainya di kirim ke pedalaman pulau subang Filipina untuk menjalankan misi yg di beri oleh Komandan nya, Mayor Taniguchi. Dalam misi nya ia dan prajurit lainya di perintahkan untuk mengumpul kan data inteligen dan sebisanya menghancurkan fasilitas tentara musuh yg ada di pulau tersebut. Mereka juga dilarang keras untuk melakukan bunuh diri dan menyerah ke pihak lawan walau apapun yg terjadi.

I’ve loved you from the first time I saw you

I’ve loved you from the first time I saw you. I was 15 the first time you walked passed me by, the way you walked, the way you spoke, they drove me totally insanely crazy. I was so scared of the way I felt.

I tried to to convince myself that it was just a gut feeling that would go and fade away as the time pass by, but I was wrong, I was completely wrong cuz the more I kept it inside for myself and pretended that I  don't give a dang, the stronger the feeling would be. I realized who I was, I was just no body in your eyes, I was just a pathetic loser whose heart keep asking for yours. God gave me two eyes to see so I won't bump or hit My legs against the table or a wall, He gave me two legs so that I won't walk limp, But why did he give me only one heart? why? it's cuz our hearts  are meant to be together you know.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Bridge English Club

Bridge English Club or what’s best known as “BEC” is a Local English club in Banda Aceh which has been in existence for nearly 2 years. It was first co founded by Zatin AbdullaDulce (an American woman who has an English course with the same name), and me for a place where Learners of English could go to and practice their English. During the first few months of its existence there were very few people who attended the club for it was not well known at first, but by the end of its first anniversary more and more people coming in and now we have more than 15 to 20 people in each meeting.

Thinking and Feeling

Thinking and Feeling refer to how people make decisions. Thinking people are objective and make decisions based on facts. They are ruled by their head instead of their heart. Thinking people judge situations and others based on logic. Whereas Feeling people are subjective and make decisions based on principles and values. They are ruled by their heart instead of their head. Feeling people judge situations and others based on feelings and extenuating circumstances. 

From the definitions above I believe thinking and feeling should go together. You can’t really chose one and leave the other out since they come as one package. For instance, if there were a world war three and you were drafted into military service and deployed to the front line where killing is just another part of life for soldiers, it’s either kill or be killed. When you do this on a daily basis it becomes natural and you don’t even think twice and blink when you carry out the killing. But one day you were ordered to take two young kids to the edge of a forest and ordered to execute them with single shots to the back of their head.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Tidying Up "Kitchen From Hell"

Hmm I thought I would share what's working for me to get my house clean. So once I got home from a small gathering at a friend’s house I went to the kitchen and I was kinda just like standing there for 10 minutes thinking of how messed up and disgusting my kitchen was. My roommate dirty clothes, kitchen appliances, fishing gears, loud speakers and some other stuff so strange and foreign I didn’t even know  what they were, it’s more like a shipwrecked rather than a kitchen. I totally hated it, I mean if I were the only one who lived in this house, I wouldn’t just throw them there, let them lying on the floor like that. I can’t remember of how many times I cleaned it up, but a few days afterward they would do the same thing over and over again I’m tired of  telling them not to do what they do. But it didn’t seem to work. I’ve got no idea what’s going on in their fuzzy mind.


Racism is still very well alive and kicking in community all throughout the world. No matter who you are, where you are from or what community you belong to, Racism exists and it slowly tears us apart. It is even more lethal and dangerous than any other diseases combined. There have been hundreds of wars on racism, Thousands of people were, are killed just because some races feel that they are more superior than the other races. They are attempting to promote the supremacy of their races by discriminating those whose races are different from their own. They feel the need to put other races aside just because they’re different.

Monday, March 24, 2014

"Silbo Gomero" Bahasa Siulan

 "Silbo Gomero" Bahasa SiulanBila mendengar kata “Bahasa” secara otomatis kita mendefinisikannya sebagai kumpulan kata-kata yg dapat di pahami oleh orang yg memakainya dan juga orang yg mendengarnya. Namun, apa kah agan pernah dengar satu bahasa yg secara keseluruhan terbentuk oleh suara-suara siulan? Ya, suara siulan, aneh bin ajaib kan?

Cara Mudah Belajar Bahasa Asing

Cara Mudah Belajar Bahasa AsingPagi ini saya akan berbagi tips cara yg tepat dan efektif dalam mempelajari bahasa asing, baik itu bahasa Inggris, Spanyol, Jerman, Perancis dan bahasa-bahasa lainnya. Tips dan tricks ini saya temukan secara tak sengaja dua bulan yg lalu ketika saya sedang browsing youtube dan menklik sebuah video yg menampilkan seorang pria asal italia bernama Luca Campariello yg dapat berkomunikasi dalam 12 bahasa.

What Does Love Really Mean?

What Does Love Really Mean?Love is said to be one of the greatest mysteries of the universe. Every mundane thing we do each and every day is either covered or flavored by love. There have been countless attempt to define what love is but still the definitions are still kind of vague and various people from different walks of life have different opinions when it comes to defining what love is. But one thing is for sure, love is up in the air and those who breathe the love air will soon get infected by it and have all the symptoms generally associated to it.
I once heard someone said “if you feel you want to get close to
someone and you’re willing to do everything for that person without

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Man-Made Destruction

Man-Made Destruction - The major difference between us, humankind and animal, is that we are endowed with free will so as to enable us to think of what we do before we actualize it whether it is right or wrong whereas animals do what their instincts tell them to do. We have the so called sense of love, humor, and affection. But despite the fact that we are special made doesn’t mean we’re better than animal for I’ve seen human can be just as vile, ruthless, and unsympathetic as beast. Look at what we do to our environment for instance. Every day we see the same grim images of our rain forest being destroyed and yet no one takes the stand to say that it’s wrong and that bad things will come out as the result. Trees in Rain forest have given us more than enough opportunity to build up our society to the point where we are prosperous and have the privilege of being able to enjoy the high living standard no other species ever dream of , but yet now we do nothing and practically give them no chance to grow up to provide other species places to shelter in.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Sejarah Singkat Bahasa Inggris

Awal Mula Terbentuknya Bahasa Inggris

Sejarah awal mula terbentuknya bahasa Inggris di mulai oleh kedatangan 3 suku jermanik yg menyerbu Inggris pada abad ke 5 masehi. Suku-suku ini bernama, the angles, the Saxons, dan the jutes, mereka menyerbu Inggris dengan menyebrangi laut utara yg sekarang lebih dikenal sebagai Denmark dan German utara. Pada saat itu penduduk asli inggris berbicara menggunakan bahasa celtic. Namun akibat penyerbuan ke 3 suku jermanik di atas, penutur celtik tersebut ter usir ke barat dan utara inggris (wales, Scotlandia, dan Irlandia). The angles, salah satu suku penjajah yg berasal dari jerman berasal dari "Englaland" dan bahasa mereka di sebut “Englisc”, nah dari sini lah asal mula kata England (inggris-negara) dan English (Bahasa Inggris) berasal.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Pentingnya Belajar Bahasa Asing

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I - I took the one less traveled by, 
and that has made all the difference." - Robert Frost, American poet

Masih segar di ingatan 4 tahun lalu dimana saya memulai perjalanan saya menelusuri lebatnya rimba belantara Bahasa Inggris. Banyak orang-orang dan bahkan teman saya sendiri yg sangat skeptik dan tak supportive dengan ide perjalanan ke rimba tempat dimana hanya segelintir orang berani pergi dan hanya beberapa kembali hidup-hidup. Namun apa daya, I'm a man of my word so Saya yg pada saat itu bahkan tak punya kompas pengetahuan yg memadai untuk bertahan hidup di rimba bahasa memberanikan diri untuk melangkahkan kaki ke dingin, lembab dan lebatnya hutan bahasa inggris.. Hidup di sana sangatlah susah, ratusan kali saya tersesat dan hampir putus asa dengan ke sesakan kesendirian akibat tak ada yg menunjukkan saya jalan yg benar.Tak terbesit sedikitpun di kepala bahwa 4 tahun kemudian akhirnya saya dapat keluar hidup-hidup, sehat, dan bahkan membawa survival skill saya ke kota tempat saya di lahirkan. Betapa bangga dan senangnya hati karena pada akhirnya saya dapat menaklukkan rimba yg sangat di takuttin oleh semua orang, jangankan masuk ke sana, dengar namanya saja orang-orang menggigil ketakutan. 

Monday, March 3, 2014

Cara mudah menghafal kosa kata bahasa inggris

Cara mudah menghafal kosa kata bahasa inggris. Sebagai seorang pelajar bahasa inggris, saya tahu bagaimana susah nya untuk menghafal kosa kata bahasa inggris yang jumblah nya berjibun. Seperti kita tahui bersama , Bahasa inggris merupakan bahasa penghubung yang paling banyak di pelajari dan di gunakan di seluruh dunia. Hal ini lah yang membuat kosa kata bahasa inggris bertambah setiap tahunnya. Hampir setiap tahun muncul kosa kata inggris yang baru. Cara yang akan saya jelaskan di artikel ini merupakan cara menghafal bahasa inggris yang telah saya buktikan sendiri keberhasilannya. Saya telah menggunakan cara ini sejak saya pertama kali belajar bahasa inggris, bahkan saya juga menggunakan cara yang sama untuk menghafal kosa kata bahasa Spanyol dan sejauh in kosa kata yang saya masukkan ke kepala saya sudah cukup banyak karena Alhamdulillah saya sudah bisa menguasai bahasa Spanyol dengan tinkatan A2 (survival Spanish) hanya dalam 2 bulan. Nah penasaran seperti apa caranya?