
Saturday, March 29, 2014

Bridge English Club

Bridge English Club or what’s best known as “BEC” is a Local English club in Banda Aceh which has been in existence for nearly 2 years. It was first co founded by Zatin AbdullaDulce (an American woman who has an English course with the same name), and me for a place where Learners of English could go to and practice their English. During the first few months of its existence there were very few people who attended the club for it was not well known at first, but by the end of its first anniversary more and more people coming in and now we have more than 15 to 20 people in each meeting.

BEC provides a place for you all to express your thoughts in English. If you make mistakes you don’t need to feel shy or embarrassed because after all we all make mistakes. If you pay close attention to how you speak your own native languages, be it Indonesian, Acehnesse, Javanese or whatever, you’ll soon notice that you yourself make mistakes even after all those years of speaking it as a first language. The same applies with speaking English, you’ll make mistakes and you’ll feel like an idiot sometimes but hey that’s the way it goes. You can’t take back what you say but you can at least learn something from them. See it this way, if you went to our English club and made grammatically incorrect grammar and you realized what your mistakes were, you would know what your weaknesses were and used them as starting points to polish your grammar. But if you just stayed at home and never tried to practice your English you would not learn anything and would not know what to fix to begin with. We, therefore, invite you to give it a try by going and see firsthand how the club works, because you’ll never know what you like unless if you give it a try. What I want you to remember is that BRIDGE ENGLISH CLUB is free of charge for everyone. Everyone from different walks of lives is welcome and your opinions are all respected.
We’re not like any other English club in Banda Aceh for we don’t have any fixed place to hold our English club. We normally go from one coffee shop to another so as not to feel bored seeing the same things each week. If you’re interested in joining our club you may contact our Facebook Fan Page "BEC Fan Page

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