
Thursday, April 3, 2014

5 things I’ll do before I die

Travel all over the world and meet new people

Sometimes you are so content to be living in your small part of the world that you’re tempted to judge people or places just from what you read in books or watch on tv, but the fact of the matter is learning how people live in their part of the world from mainstream media is not enough. When you read books or watch documentary there’s things that are edited and left out. So the only way of knowing the truth is by traveling to their part of the world yourself and meet them yourself, you could learn from them things that are not written or shown in books and documentary. There’s nothing more fulfilling and rewarding than finding out things firsthand from local people.

Learn foreign languages

I’ve been told not to learn other foreign languages since I already speak English and just with English I could go to pretty much anywhere in the world. They might be right, but I believe learning other languages would be beneficial for me if I were to travel the world one day. Knowing only English is not enough because there are still places in the world where people just don’t speak English, or their English is so bad that they prefer speaking in their native language to speaking English.

Spend more time with family

People nowdays take family for granted. They are caught up in their works that they forget family is important. I’ve seen a lot of young couple who both work and have babies and find little time to look after them that they thrust them to the hands of babysitters or those hard working men who commute from one place to another in search of dime but fail to realize that money is not everything. Money is nothing if you come home at the end of the day and find your son or daughter looking gloomy and sitting alone in the backyard without their father to play with. If you lose your job you can always find another one but if you lose your family, you can never replace them.

Create my own children charity organization

It breaks my heart to see children begging in the street. I want to create a place for them to go to where they could get educated instead of spending time wandering the street expecting some strangers to give them some chances.

To raise honest children

I want to raise my children to be good honest person, self-confident, happy and healthy, and teach them that we are all created equal, teach them that having different religious beliefs, skin colors, life-statuses, don’t make them different as a person. We are the same blood and flesh.


  1. Interesting confession, bro. I need to learn more from u how to be a good writer. Btw, u're also master in organizing ur blog. Am glad to visit ur blog :)

  2. ah come om, you're a better writer than I do.
